Being Aware When Shopping Online

Being Aware When Shopping Online

The phenomena that was online shopping is hardly regarded as that anymore. Retailing online has become mainstream, it’s what an awful lot of us do, and it’s changing the face of British retail, and the part it plays in the economy.

The High St. has become a rather different place, as bricks and mortar shops change and adapt within the world of the internet.

The range of goods and clothes you can inspect online, is far, far greater than those on the High street, but online you can’t touch or feel them. You can “chat” with friends online, but not over a Continue reading Being Aware When Shopping Online

Swimming & Young People

Swimming and Young People

The approaching summer is a good time to reflect on the unfortunate fact, that in the course of sunny weather, a sad statistic will happen, and the warmer and sunnier it becomes, so the statistic will rise. It is that across the country, a number of young people will die through drowning.

There are inevitabilities, that some circumstances will occur which even strong swimmers can be surprised by, or even drowned, such as unexpected currents in the sea.

Rip currents can be almost invisible in the water, and are channels or corridors of fast moving water that are generally too powerful to swim against, and should anyone be caught out of their depth Continue reading Swimming & Young People

Building Foundations

Getting Down to the Foundations

Building new houses, or even building extensions onto existing houses, will mean that whatever the type of build that will go up, it is going to need footings and foundations.

Foundations will not be seen once the build is complete, but that doesn’t take away the importance of getting them established correctly.

The foundations by their very name, are what the house will be built on, and will be responsible for bearing the load of everything from the roof down to the damp course.

Architects plans must be adhered to, but often, until the ground is broken into, it is not clear what depth the trenches Continue reading Building Foundations

How To Rank For High Traffic Keywords

High Traffic Keyword Ranking Strategy

There is a world of difference between achieving good rankings for longtail keywords and getting large volumes of traffic for high traffic keywords.

The temptation is to over optimize for those keywords in an effort to get to the top of SERP’s, but that’s a classic beginner’s mistake and one that we see far too often.

Under optimization is far more effective and is the only way to deliver long term rankings for high traffic search terms….. and they are the ones that you ultimately need to build a successful Continue reading How To Rank For High Traffic Keywords

UK Law – Alcohol & Driving

Alcohol and Driving

The cradle of civilisation is recognised as the lands between the Tigris and Euphrates known as Mesopotamia, in modern times, as Iraq, and part of Turkey.

In these lands society and civilisation came into being with ordered agriculture and animal domestication some 8,000 years ago.

By 5,000 years ago, houses made of bricks and mortar, and stone built roads were in existence, their existence still in evidence today.

Around this time evidence shows that vines were being grown for wine production, and by Continue reading UK Law – Alcohol & Driving